From Michael Chen
On September 26, 1997, I received a very exciting email from one Michael Chen. It seems that the cememtery in Czestenchowa has some stones that are still existing. Michael is part of a project that has photographed these headstones and he sent the following to me:
"To Amy.
Recently, the inscriptions written on the existing tombs in Czaestochowa cemetery have been transcribed.
Out of 80% of records computerised we found the following:
Simcha Likier, son of Jacob, died 1916.
Sara Likier, wife of Simcha, daughter of Abraham.
Interested to know if the above couple belong to the family you search.
We corresponded several more times. This is another email I received from him re: myoffer to add the names in this project's database to the work being done abroad. This was Michael's answer:
"Dear Amy.
I 'm glad if the information assists you in your family tree.
We have only about 250 photos of graves or partial broken ones. The photos not yet sorted out and matched to the list.Hope in a month time we'll have 100% of the list and the photos identified. Please contact me then again.
I have a dream to try and make a genealogy trees for Czestochowa town. If and when it materialises I'll need your help with the other names you have.
Just for curiosity sake, pls. let me know results from your relatives.It's important for me to know . I responded to your message as a test case to the effiency and usefulness of the work we are doing although not finished yet.
Good Luck,
Of course I wrote back to Michael to let him know that this was my ancestor. He has assured me that when he is able, he will send the photo.
"Dear Michael,
It is most definitely of my family. When I checked my family file, there was no name of Simcha's father (my g-uncle was Jacob) nor a date of death. His wife is Chana but that could have been Sura Chana or Chana Sura. I am cc:ing this to two other relatives. They would know how they fit in. I am pretty sure it is our Simcha! Do you have photos? I would be willing to help with any Czestochowa research as I have names and lineages in my database that might help things along, you know, if there are partials due to crumbling stones, etc."
On August 10, 1997, I received the following:
"Dear Amy.
Your letter touched me deeply.
At the Tel-Aviv Museum of Diaspora, there are 5 out of 7 LDS microfilms, covering Czestochowa.
Unfortunately, I don't speak Polish, therefore I'm helpless in translating them. I think this is the most important step now, to do. I have tried to recruit Polish speaking people to do the work but the conditions are not very easy. One has to go to the museum and spend time there only on certain days. If you can transcribe them onto floppies, this is great. If this happens and I recieve them all, or part of them only, I believe I can persuade translators to do it at home in their free time.
As for the genealogy of the town, it's still in the form of a general idea.I've discussed it with the Mueseum's manager, and she is willing not only to assist but to accomulate the data and to use the Museum's big computer for it. Her idea is to distribute special Family Tree forms, and to feed the computer with the data.It will be a big job to find all interested people to fill up the forms. I can do it in Israel but there is a need to organise it abroad as well in N.Y,, Toronto, Montreal,and Miami,
If interested , I'll keep you informed about any developements.
Sincerely yours,
From the Jewishgen Listserve Discussion Group:
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 20:16:44
Subject: Re: Czestochowa Associations All Over
The Association of Czestochowa Jews in Israel intends to publish a new
comprehensive book about the History and Jews of Czestochowa (In
Hebrew). The society asks the addresses and names of chairmen of same
associations all over the world.( New -York, Chicago, Miami, Toronto,
Montreal, Paris, London, Sydney, Melbourne, Argentina, Brazil,and
Thanks for your assistance,
Michael Chen
On behalf of the Israeli Society of Czestochowa
Last Update: 2/8/98
Web Author: A.S. Waldinger
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